Bought the shift boot at DCM member while wipers, we 'found' it on a scrap-condition car on the roadside. LOL. And new bosskit for the Momo steering.

Classic looking. Sorry, I dont like it though.

After upgrading. Much better. Bucket still seating in my room. Waiting time to be transfered.

Voltage stabilizer in. I do have the grounding cable, but Jaguh didnt know where to put all the 5points!

The ugly rocker cover. Removed by Jaguh as Im 0 on the engine's parts.

Sand, sand, and more sanding! Plus few times using the dirt remover.


After: (Note the shining effect after sanding. Air filter cover also had been grind by wire brush.

Holes behind sticker! Damn lazy previous owner.

Grind all the way till no rust.

Hole is covered by glueing a metal sheet.

Cementing job done. Notice the marker dot on the hood. Marking for the stripe paint job soon.

More area that had been cemented:

All jobs are not possible if Jaguh didnt help me today. So thanks dude!
His slogan:
Jaguh Autoworks, Can do what lancau u throw at me, Just give me the time, If U cant wait, hantar lain tempat..
bro...dunwan to repaint the rocker cover??
ReplyDeletematt black perhaps?muehehe
any vids??
I'd told Jaguh bout that. He said, let it be some shine in the engine bay, so he help me to sand it and taraa... Shiny rocker.
ReplyDeleteAny vids of what? Hehehe. The car damn loud.