So, where else to head? We went to the previous scrapyard and were hoping BIG that there's a pair of the fenders. Hahaha. Arrived, Jaguh saw a bulk of meters which we didnt see it before, and the search begun. What we found was :

3 sets of Mazda 808 speedometer. There's more but these three is enough. We asked the boss for a price and he gave us a good price. I put it aside and search a few more stuffs.
And the next stuffs were the tail lamp. Yes, I dont need it and I'd said it but I found out that some of the RX3 were using this tail lamp. So why not? And the second tail lamp is tagged as Mazda 808 parts. And I were shocked coz I never saw this tail lamp version. We checked it out and it belongs to Toyota. I guess someone had custom fit it to 808. It is nice but I dont want to take any risk during fitting it. Anyone knew the tail lamp is from what model?

And an emblem. This is from the square lamp grille version. The boss didnt want to sell it separately but after a few bodek-ing, he sold it to me BUT the dirtier one. Nehh, its OK. It is VERY VERY cheap for this rare stuffs.

Arrived at my home, Jaguh helped me to disassemble Bee's current tail lamp. And trying to fit in the shrout. We'll do it another time I guess as we arrived at my home quite late.
Uhh, I guess my room will be a store soon. 2 in 1 room.

So, my new stuffs are the tail lamp. Will refurbish both tail lamps tomorrow I guess.

A new functioning meters. I guess my RX-Z speedometer will be a history soon.

And the 'M' emblem.

That's for today. Will update the DIY restoration soon. Stay tuned.
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