It's been awhile since my last update coz I dont have any mood on updating the latest project. Hehehe. Sigh, Im returning to UTM next week and Im not ready for the new semester. I want to stay at home and do more project on Bee. Huhuhu. Anyway, the Autobot stickers and Mazdaspeed wannabe sticker. Wee.

Already stick the Mazdaspeed sticker but I still cant decide where should I place the Autobot logo. Any idea?

While Mok was designing the gauges board, my roomate came for a sticker job. He just painted his car and interested with the Mini theme. So why not? At least I gain more experience on sticker job. Measuring and marking time.

End results! Looks good from far. Har har har.

Then there's Mr Jaguh Autoworks in action. Seriously if you asked me, wiring job is the hardest coz I cant imagine the wiring logic. LOL~ I failed my electric subject anyway.

My aircond fan that had not been working since my aircond motor gone. So, I asked Jaguh to do some wiring so that I can make it working for some extra air suction as an aid for the radiator fan. And luckily, I got one unused switch on the dashboard.

OEM with the dashboard. I wonder what is the original use of the switch?

The custom panel by Mok. Unfortunetaly the license plate is really weak and it broke into two after 1 gauge hole was made. So I will buy an advertising plastic board as it is much easier to work on,much lighter and reliable.

As for the radiator shrout, it was cut into two as the fan is big and the distributor are really close to the radiator. The shrout was meant for Vannete C22/ A15 engine, and my radiator luckily is from the A15 engine also. Previous owner love to mix and match I think.

The top shrout fits like a glove. LOL. As for the rear, Jaguh cut it into another half and only fit the right side only. So now Bee has a much better cooling system. Two working fan, one can be controlled from the inside, another one is direct (Im thinking of switching to a clutch fan soon), a shrout to channel the air, and I hope it works.

And I bought an Autogauge for the RPM. Unfortunetaly again, it is malfunctioning and it is not accurate at all, so I will exchange it tomorrow for a Jasma one.

My pet, Bujur (Oval) was sleeping on the couch while Im updating this post. Manage to woke him up with the flash. Gosh, this little creature is very cute.