Since the owner of the shop had been following & helping me finding stuffs, its kinda rude if I didn't buy anything. So, just took this steering which is from Datsun and also this Honda Mugen spoiler. The EG hatchback one. Still got the Mugen emblem too. And come and guess the prices?

I guess I'll try to alter the tapak for the spoiler, and the steering will be refurbish and will be used for drifting purpose since my current one has too much offset till not suitable for fast steering work. Prices again? Less than a single purple note. Damn good buy I guess.
And finally, one and only 808 that I found during my Raya's trip. A coupe with TS Cup looks. Already chat with the owner, and he gave me the scrapyard location. I'll definitely will come back to the scrapyard next year!

Gosh I miss my car soo much. Im808 said the car will be done by next week....End. Sigh. I guess you cant rush perfection right? Kekeke.
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