I bought an advertising board at a nearby book store and it is much easier to work on this board. And I decided to cover the whole area instead of putting it inside. Talking bout the laziness to measure it again.

Sketching on the board to make sure there is no senget-ness, and other probs. The side is covered with some tape to strengthen the board.

Holes for the gauges, the gauges and more tape on the board. My new RPM meter is from Jasma and it is a bit bigger than the AutoGauge. It comes with a stepper motor, warning light, and opening/closing ceremony which is not so important to me. Most important to me, it that the RPM is working.

Few cut, this and that, and it is done. Add up a sticker to make it more 'cheerful'. Now I have a vacuum meter, RPM, and also a volt meter. Will assemble it tomorrow and a photoshoot session.

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