Sometimes I do feel like selling the car when problems occur again and again. Again, this is because of short funds, and I dont have time to fix the car's problems as Im in college yo, bla bla bla..
So some updates again before class starts tomorrow:
Longer studs. Will be putting spacers soon.
Remove rear seat to see the floor. So far so good. No rust as previous owner had already fix the floor.
Fender finally had been rolled. Hmm, not symmetrical though. Left and right are different. So need to fix it back after had been slammed.
Fucked up area during rolling. Previous owner took a shortcut during bodywork. Sprayed the damaged area to sooth my eyes or else I will WANT to fix it during this exam week.
Whats more? Yesterday brought it to my college before the car fucked up again in the same night. So need to waste more of my times to send it back home and pass to Jaguh. So today Jaguh took the car to see what is wrong this time.
He suspected the alternator is ready to be changed as the engine sound's just like a car running with one removed spark plug. Talking bout a boxer sound. Hehehe. Maybe need to replace the cable plug and so on that related.
Plus lately my engine temp is very irregular, so Jaguh said the radiator cap is the problem source. Plus a 32 years old radiator fan that already soft. Hmmm, need the fan housing too to cool down the temp as Jaguh's KEtam temp is now steady after he changed back his belt fan + housing from an electric fan.
So how to fix? What the hell. I trade with Jaguh. Hahaha, I mean I took his car for this week. 808 will be left to rot at his house until I got more $$$$ to replace the fucked up parts. Huargh..
Old car = problems.
Study = problems
Old car + study = MORE problems. Dammmmnnn...